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5. “Views to Visitors” A Click-By-Click Facebook Marketing Program (30%OFF)


Views To Visitors is a CLICK-BY-CLICK Facebook Marketing course that you can do right now.

You only need to use THREE Facebook Campaigns for each event or season. We’ve cut the fluff and focused this course so you can get marketing…FAST.

  1. Learn to attract more people to your ticketing page.
  2. Make your ads ‘follow people around the Internet’ like magic.
  3. Complete the sale, ticket, reservation or order.

Views to Visitors uses our A.R.C. structure, Awareness, Retargeting, & Completion, to build campaigns quickly and effectively, so you can get back to working on your attraction or event. 

Views to Visitors meshes seamlessly with our signature program The Event Tsunami Strategic Marketing Program.

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