Really? Again? Shouldn’t you know better by now than to do THAT?
Hey Gang,
I don’t know what’s happening, but the current board and staff of NAFDMA are showing a real lack of good judgment.
I came to NAFDMA for the first time in 1999’s convention when I was 24 years old. I had been asked to speak about Public Relations, which I thought I could do well. Upon arrival, I found out I was speaking after Jane Eckert, media professional, consultant and, then, actively involved with one of the largest farm market operations in the industry.
I was terrified. My presentation went OK, and afterward, Jane came up and was so gracious and encouraging. She made me feel like a million bucks, and I still think of that first presentation when I’m preparing talks today.
When I learned that Huber’s was on the tour, it took me back to that same first year when we toured Jan & Greg’s operation and I decided, right then and there, that I wanted to be like Huber’s when my business grew up.
That bus tour, and later tours with Rob & Christie Leeds as my Bus Captains, would change my vision for our farm, and one day I’d even lead bus tours! BUT, what would it be like visiting Huber’s so many years later? The Huber’s are, to me, a “pinnacle operation” with inspiration around every corner. It’s a little intimidating. Should I even go?
Then this, choices made by the board and staff that make me question the very fitness of our organization’s leadership. It was after Vancouver’s conference that I thought the organization had really started to get things right; had made some great decisions.
In Connecticut and California, things ran smoothly and finally the ‘leadership’ cloud hanging over the bus tours was gone, that irritating niggle in the back of our minds that we just couldn’t quiet. I mean, things didn’t feel right those years, but the tours turnout out OK; somehow better.
But now this. Indiana’s conference lays bare all that had been wrong with the decision making around the bus tour, and after two years of my just “riding along” as a passenger…
…though some terrible misstep, a negligent lack of judgment, NAFDMA has decided to let me lead a bus tour again!
That’s right: I’m a Tour Bus Leader and I CAN’T WAIT for the CONFERENCE!
I’m back, baby. I’m back as part of a team (people, you’ll like a lot better than me) with Amy Ladd & Jeff Probst, so get registered and get on that bus! (IF there is still room, or another bus you might like better, knowing that I’ll be on this one. The other bus leaders are way more competent and just as fun.)
NAFDMA has been one of the greatest organizations for my business, and the friends I’ve made there have been some of the best relationships in my entire life. I hope you’ll have the opportunity to join us at a conference, Advanced Learning Retreat or AT LEAST online, soon. Want in: CLICK HERE.
No matter which bus you’re on, let’s get together and share some big ideas and some laughs at the bar.
See you in Noblesville,
PS What did you think I was talking about? Did I trick you? Have you ever been on a bus with me? (I hope you had fun 🙂 Email me and let me know if we’ll see you there.