
Part 1: You definitely should, & certainly should NOT hire a marketing company.

Part 1: You definitely should, & certainly should NOT hire a marketing company. The debate rages on: Should you hire a marketing firm or not hire a marketing firm? This debate is happening in my head, typically in Spring, as I look down the barrel of my upcoming to-do list and think, "Gosh, there are 1,000 marketing firms. Surely ONE of them could take this off my plate?!" Spoiler Alert: I did hire a marketing company, then let them go. Then hired another one, then let them go. Then hired another one, then let them go (and that one was just this year!) Spoiler-Spoiler Alert: We WERE marketing company at Maize Quest,…
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Long-distance relationships.

Above is Case's autonomous tractor - No Cab! It's already in testing and coming soon to a farm near you, just not sure how soon... Long distance relationships. Hey Friends, Technology in agriculture sure has come a long way. Think of what we take for granted. I have always been a nerd, and by nerd, I mean interested in future technology and willing to give things a try even when there is no immediate benefit evident. My middle school buddy and I tied up two landlines, two modems, and connected a mac computer and a DOS computer in 6th grade so that…
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Life’s too short, only read what you’re interested in.

Life’s too short, only read what you’re interested in.

Working with corn maze clients across North America and the UK, creating attractions and marketing plans for hundreds more farms and entertainment businesses, plus managing nearly 100 staff across three businesses and 1,400 acres of production, retail, and entertainment in a family business generates a lot of stories. This blog is a connection point for seasonal and family business owners to look inside, learn from our mistakes, and connect on a level only people in the small business community can. Choose what you'd like to read by category or search, then surf around occasionally for something interesting you might not…
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Center Grove Orchards – Part 2 ALR Report

Part 2 of 3 Report on Center Grove Orchards Hey Friends, In case you missed it, I'm reporting ideas, information and observations from the NAFDMA Advanced Learning Retreat. If you've never participated, you can learn more about the most recent ALR here. Back to Center Grove Orchards, which I'll be reporting on in 3 parts: Farm Market and indoor spacesFoodservice bright ideasAttractions & admissions Full disclosure: I am not a foodie. I like to eat food and enjoy time out with friends trying new things, but I am not a foodie. Disclosure 2: I am not a food service person…
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ALR Report Center Grove Orchards – Part 1

Part 1 of 3 Report on Center Grove Orchards Hey, [[ contact.first_name | default: 'Friend' ]], Part 1 - NAFDMA ALR Report Center Grove Orchards - Part 1 "In the market." I admit that I have wanted to visit Steve and Deanna Black's farm for a long time. (Quick note: They are brother and sister, not husband and wife!) The NAFDMA Advanced Learning Retreat is a gem of agritourism learning experiences with essentially a 'deep dive' into the specifics of 1 to 2 operations. It is not a quick, 1 hour per stop 6 stops in a day bus tour. The benefit…
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The 31-Day Workforce Turnaround

The 31-Day Workforce Turnaround

The 31-Day Workforce Turnaround: One month to a happier you and a more productive crew book came from the collected experiences around managing staff. While the stories come from agriculture and entertainment, the book’s principles are applicable to anyone managing a team. Hugh has been working on the farm, on a team, then leading teams throughout his life. In the process of creating the Agritourism Manager Boot Camp, Hugh collected stories, processes and life-changing anecdotes, then formatted the collection into a 31-Day program, with just 1-3 pages per day, then an exercise to practice with one’s own team. On launch, The 31-Day…
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The Lowe’s have been visiting for 3 years longer than Farmer Hugh has been alive.

Pumpkin picking is for families! FINAL weekend of pumpkin picking on the farm, so bring your family for some fun, then head to the patch on the FREE wagon ride. Apple Orchards FINAL PYO Orchard Weekend!  We will have apples in bins in the market thru Nov 3, 2019. We have to save the apples from falling to the ground. Red Chief, Smoothee Gold, Empires, JonaGold, Stayman, Rome, York Regular Orchard & Market Hours: Mon-Sat 8AM-5PM, Sun 1PM-7PM Regular Winery Hours: Sat 12PM-5PM, Sun 1PM-5PM Regular Maize Quest: Fri 10AM-10PM, Sat 10AM-10PM, Sun 1PM-7PM Farm Market & Maize Quest Corn Maze Open Thru…
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Maybe you just need a change in perspective.

Hey, I'm in a busy season of life, and maybe you are, too. Between business, family, teenagers, community activities and everything else we have to juggle in our lives, it seems like life and decision-making keep getting closer. Almost like I'm living life right in front of my face. If you've raised teenagers, you know what I mean. You'll hear things such as, "This test is life or death", or "If I don't get my drivers license, everything's over", or "I can't stand this [INSERT person/place/thing/idea] for one more minute". That's living life "right in front of your face". As we age, the notion of wisdom might…
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“You should do what YOU want to do.” Really, we mean it. Need a reminder? Click the picture to see a video of what it's like on the farm this time of year! Cool weather arrives! Apple Season goes PRIME TIME: Red Chief, Smoothee Gold, Empires, Fuji, JonaGold, Mutsu, Stayman Orchard & Market Hours: Mon-Sat 8AM-5PM, Sun 1PM-7PM Winery Hours: Sat 12PM-5PM, Sun 1PM-5PM Maize Quest: Fri 10AM-10PM, Sat 10AM-10PM, Sun 1PM-7PM "You should do what YOU want to do." The Rolling Stones said, "You can't always get what you want." Isn't that true! Life deals out a series of obligations and a healthy dose of guilt to go along with them. There simply are things…
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“Are you significant?” Perspective from the night sky on the farm.

There are more pumpkins than you can count in this picture alone! The patch covers 8+ football fields and we planted over 25,000 pumpkin seeds. Sunny weather continues! Apple Season goes PRIME TIME: Red Chief, Smoothee Gold, Empires, Fuji, JonaGold, Mutsu, Stayman Orchard & Market Hours: Mon-Sat 8AM-5PM, Sun 1PM-7PM Winery Hours: Sat 12PM-5PM, Sun 1PM-5PM Maize Quest: Sat 10AM-10PM, Sun 1PM-7PM "Are we significant?" Humans were made to work towards a purpose. On the shelves of bookstores, scrolling on you'll find thousands of titles relating to finding your purpose and building your life around that purpose. We do not need those books.…
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