“Activate the 5 Senses” – What I learned at NAFDMA Part 3 of 3

Super practical for this final NAFDMA follow-up blog today! I was a presenter in the "Events Panel" and came away with one of the most valuable models from my fellow presenter, Jenny Ferels. It's so fun to see how our presentation as a panel came together. Hugh - The big picture: Should you choose to do this event? What are your goals? What does success look like in real numbers and actions by guests? Is what you propose an event, or is it an attraction or activity? Jen - Model for structuring an event you have chosen to do using Hugh's criteria. Actual templates for modeling…
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Register for “How to be ready for anything.”

We ARE recording, so if you can't make it LIVE you won't miss out - Listen, learn, absorb and share with each other during this important meeting. You're invited to participate in this webinar, even BEFORE the webinar! Please reply to me and let me know your thoughts, biggest fears & plans for adapting and I'll make sure to work it into the presentation. Hey gang, I am NOT a "Worst Case Scenario" kinda guy, but after last year, I realized that planning is an exercise in preventing emergencies. If you think through all the possibilities, and plan for them, you can't…
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Proactive Fall Season Prep: How to be ready for anything.

Listen, learn, absorb and share with each other during this important meeting. You're invited to participate in this webinar, even BEFORE the webinar! Please reply to me and let me know your thoughts, biggest fears & plans for adapting and I'll make sure to work it into the presentation. Hey gang, My daughter wants to play clarinet for her life's work. When I played trumpet so many years ago, I used to shake like a leaf during auditions. Annie is a rock, in fact, she once famously said, "I love auditions because they have to listen to me." The difference between the two of…
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Part 3: “Conspicuous Leisure” or “Doing it for the ‘Gram”

This lady routinely issues the Parent Veto. WHAT I LEARNED AT NAFDMA 2020 – PART 3 OF 3 Hey, [[ contact.first_name | default: 'Friend' ]], Lessons from NAFDMA, the International Association for Agritourism convention in 3 Parts. Your marketing image is entrapping you.Wine, beer & food veto the “Parent Veto”[CHANGED] "Conspicuous Leisure" or "Doing it for the 'Gram" "Conspicuous Leisure" or "Doing it for the 'Gram" You noticed at the Strawberry Festival. Three 20-somethings, dressed to the nines, sauntered out to the patch with a single quart box. They were out there for hours, and came back with 13 strawberries, full…
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Part 2: “Avoid the Parent Veto.”

This lady routinely issues the Parent Veto. WHAT I LEARNED AT NAFDMA 2020 – PART 2 OF 3 Hey, [[ contact.first_name | default: 'Friend' ]], Lessons from NAFDMA, the International Association for Agritourism convention in 3 Parts. Your marketing image is entrapping you.Wine, beer & food veto the “Parent Veto”Menus, food costs & quality drive profitability Wine, beer & food veto the "Parent Veto." I bet you've done it. Your kids wanted to go to Chuck-E-Cheese, and you issued what Randy White calls, "The Parent Veto." You know the food's going to be bad. NO ONE goes for the pizza. You know…
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Part 1: What I Learned at NAFDMA 2020

The utterly brilliant Bus 2 Crew pictured here at the Angel Tree, one of the largest, longest living trees in America. WHAT I LEARNED AT NAFDMA 2020 – PART 1 OF 3 Hey, Friends, Sorry I'm late! I love to recap the conference, but it's been a bit crazy with our Sunflower Mastermind Groups starting up. (SIDENOTE: Why do I LOVE the Mastermind concept and dedicate so much time to it?! Well, in the last week, our 2nd meetings, we created a NEW festival pricing structure that should lift Sunflower Festival admission revenue by 8-15%! That's the power of the group - good ideas come from everywhere,…
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Part 4. 3 People you should contract & HIRE to create a Hybrid Marketing Team.

https://youtu.be/g62UZS5MUxg What started as a Facebook group post response turned into a four-part course on hiring a marketing team or not... or something else.  Our recommendation for many small to mid-sized businesses is that something else, we'd call a Hybrid Marketing Team (HMT). Hybrid Marketing Team - People The Owner or top manager - Likely, YOU! To keep in touch with the pulse of your business, you MUST be a part of the team. The Doer - As the owner/leader, you should NOT be doing everything! This person can be part-time, work from home, be a teen, but must have the…
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Part 3: Problems YOU cause when working with a marketing company.

https://youtu.be/3uxjSheW2sQ Part 3: Problems YOU cause when working with a marketing company. Unclear expectations.Unclear roles and authority.Late event announcements.No or late on-site pictures for event promotion. The #1 Problem on the client-side: Abdication, followed by denunciation, is one of the most painful mistakes in MC/Client working relationships.  Once an MC is hired, a brief "get to know you" meeting is held in which the Client believes everything necessary has been communicated; then, the marketing company is free to do, or not do, anything it wants. This is the abdication. This abdication feels like freedom! It seems excellent until that fateful…
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iPhones – X or Newer

LINK: https://www.apple.com I am an Apple guy. Have been since the Apple II+ in the 80s. The iPhones are just magnificent for photos and video. We've created most of our social media pics and videos, especially LIVE videos, on iPhones.
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MailChimp – Email Management and Automation

LINK: https://mailchimp.com MailChimp is our current recommendation for all but the most complex marketing businesses. MailChimp automatically integrates with Facebook and most other platforms for versatility. The $14/mo package allows event-based email campaigns, sometimes called autoresponders, which are key for marketing automation. (Imagine that you can send a series of timed emails automatically after a new lead completes a form.)
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